Tiny Art 2 Share
Art can bring a moment of joy to anyone, and Tiny Art 2 Share is a tool that will help you spread that happy feeling. A little kit, if you will.
Each TA2S package contains two miniature pieces of art: one to keep, and one to share.
Who do you know that could use a kind gesture? Maybe the art’s theme reminds you of someone? Does a friend need a surprise?
We hope they love your thoughtfulness. You can share your story on our Facebook page or follow us @tinyart2share Instagram.
We will ship TinyArt2Share anywhere in the USA for FREE, so go ahead and send a tiny bit of cheer because a little [Tiny] bit of Art can literally go a long way.
Check out TinyArt2Share at an Art-O-Mat art vending machine!
Give Miniature Art…
to a Beloved
to a Friend
to a Family Member
So Cute!
Tiny Art
Big Impact
One to Keep
One to Share
One 2 keep, one 2 share. $18/pair. Free shipping in the U.S. tinyart2share.com. Etsy too!
Art-O-Mat Anyone?
Art-O-Mat® machines are retired cigarette vending machines that have been converted to vend art.
Tiny Art can be found in select Art-O-Mat locations below; click on them to learn more.
There are over 100 active machines in various locations throughout the country. Find one near you.